Transforming the Defenses

Level 1 builds on the foundational skills from the introduction by diving into the transformative process of working with client defenses in the sand tray. This in-person training focuses heavily on safety, ensuring that the client’s vulnerable parts remain secure while exploring and appreciating the defenses that keep those parts safe. Participants are introduced to NSST’s use of Satir’s parts work, which involves identifying and interacting with various aspects of the client’s internal world in the sand tray. The training explores multiple ways to transform defenses, encouraging clients to see them not as barriers but as parts that hold resources and positive intentions.

Therapists will learn advanced techniques for transforming defenses by seeing parts as resources, exploring positive intentions, special gifts, and yearnings. Participants will also appreciate and address the cost of defenses and expectations, enabling clients to shift perspectives and embrace change. This level prepares therapists to gently and effectively help clients navigate the protective mechanisms they have built over time.

Upon completion of this level, you will receive the following designation:
Certified Level 1 NSST Practitioner

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